Remove Samsung Bloatware with ADB

Samsung Ultra Series

Download ADB for macOS from

1. Enable Developer Options and USB Debugging

Go to your device’s “Settings.”

Scroll down and select “About phone.”

Locate “Build number” and tap it multiple times (usually 7 times) until you see a message saying you are now a developer.

Go back to the main “Settings” menu and now you should see “Developer options” or “System” > “Developer options.”

Enable “USB Debugging.”

2. Install ADB on your computer:nDownload ADB for macOS from and follow the instructions given on this page.

3. Connect your Device:nConnect your Samsung device to your computer using a USB Type-C cable.

4. Open Command Prompt or Terminal:nOn macOS open Terminal.

5. Grant ADB Permissions:nA popup will appear on your phone asking for permission to allow USB debugging from the connected computer. Allow it.

6. Verify Device Connection:nIn the command prompt or terminal, type the following command to ensure your device is recognized by ADB:Copy codenadb devices

7. List System Apps:nTo list all installed packages (apps) on your device, run the following command:

adb shell pm list packages 

8. Identify Bloatware Packages:nLook through the list of packages to identify the ones you want to remove. Bloatware apps usually start with “” or “com.sec.”

9. Uninstall or Disable Packages:nTo uninstall a package (app), use the following command

adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 package_name 

Replace “package_name” with the actual name of the package you want to uninstall.

To disable a package (app) without completely removing it, use:

adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 package_name

10. Reboot:

After you’ve uninstalled or disabled the desired apps, you can reboot your device using the following command

adb reboot

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