In this installation we’ll be using Docker to run PhotoPrism instance.
Install Docker
Update the repo to get latest versions
sudo apt update
Install the latest version
sudo apt install
Set Docker to start on startup
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
Give your user permissions to docker, replace with your username
sudo usermod -aG docker username
Test it has installed correctly by getting the docker version
docker --version
Installing Docker Compose
This downloads 2.16.0, just change this if the version updates to a later version
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Give permissions to this
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Test it has installed correctly by getting the docker-compose version
docker-compose --version
Installing Photoprism
Download the latest docker-compose.yml for Photoprism
cd && wget
Change the default admin password in the docker-compose.yml file and also location of pictures if not in ~\Pictures.
sudo nano docker-compose.yml
Find the line
PHOTOPRISM_ADMIN_PASSWORD: "insecure" # PLEASE CHANGE: Your initial admin password (min 4 characters)
And replace it with your own secure password.
PHOTOPRISM_ADMIN_PASSWORD: "sv3G$bt5DG4h4" # PLEASE CHANGE: Your initial admin password (min 4 characters)
For the photo’s location, find the line
# Multiple folders can be indexed by mounting them as sub-folders of /photoprism/originals:n# - "/mnt/Family:/photoprism/originals/Family" # [folder_1]:/photoprism/originals/[folder_1]
Under this add the path to your pictures volume, followed by :/photoprism/originals/identifyingname changing identifyingname for something specific to you.
# Multiple folders can be indexed by mounting them as sub-folders of /photoprism/originals:n# - "/mnt/Family:/photoprism/originals/Family" # [folder_1]:/photoprism/originals/[folder_1]n- "/media/path/to/pictures:/photoprism/originals/identifyingname"
Start the server, this may take a few minutes.
docker-compose up -d
Once complete, browse to http://serverip:2342. You will get the screen below, enter your Password you created in the config file above.

Bulk Delete Images
Once logged in, go to Settings and enable Delete Option.

HACK: To Select Multiple images at once, use SHIFT + CLICK
Move images to Archive and then from Archive Delete all the photos at once.

Archive Option is located in the Search SubMenu.
- n
- Easy to deploy
- Light Weight
- Uses Tensor Flow for image labelling
- n
- No multiple Users support